What I am attempting in my jewellery designs is to express 
impressions of touching moments, coolness, preciousness, 
and sometimes hope. These impressions usually occur 
when I find a juxtaposition of two things: for instance,
 the ordinary and the extraordinary, existence and disappearance, 
permanence and transience, inside and outside, stillness and flow. 
This duality, which includes universality and change, is an element 
I believe all human beings have within themselves, and which 
is necessary to life. I'd like to shape out such moments in 
everyday life.
'Memory', 'Time' and 'Space' are simultaneous themes I am 
interested in as I seek duality.
I want to explore them further. An important process for me is
to invent shapes. I allow the shape to arise spontaneously, 
and enjoy just facilitating the creative process through 
which the work emerges.
Jewellery can be seen, touched, and felt by the wearer and it
has the power to change our daily lives from ordinary to extraordinary. 
I hope my jewellery inspires you, and the people around you, 
to a little conversation, and creates a context for communication.